Sign the Declaration

Now, simply by adding your comment with your name and any thoughts you might have to the bottom of this article, you can electronically sign the Shire Society Declaration! While you can be in the Shire as a state of mind, it makes sense to live close to others who believe as you do. You are encouraged to immiGREAT to the Shire.

To learn about how the Shire Society Declaration came to be and to see high resolution versions of the originals, please visit the History page.

Perhaps you’d prefer to sign a physical copy that you can keep? Just grab this PDF and print it out for you and your friends and family to sign!

Shire Society Declaration

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED witnesses to the lesson of history — that no form of political governance may be relied upon to secure the individual rights of life, liberty, or property — now therefore establish and provide certain fundamental precepts measuring our conduct toward one another, and toward others:

FIRST, each individual is the exclusive proprietor of his or her own existence and all products thereof, holding no obligations except those created by consent;

SECOND, no individual or association of individuals, however constituted, has the right to initiate force against any other individual;

THIRD, each individual has the inalienable right of self-defense against the initiation of force;

FOURTH, explicit voluntary association is the only means by which binding obligations may be created, and claims based on association or relationships to which any party did not consent are empty and invalid;

FIFTH, rights are neither collective nor additive in character, and no group can possess rights in excess of those belonging to its individual members;

We hereby declare our commitment to peace, individual sovereignty, and independence, and join the Shire Society.

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11 years ago

i am a 33 year old soul. the turn to dust, Paul Kovack turned me into a potery and gave me inspriration for dreams of freedom an i will speak in art, to convey a golden crown. for we all are kings. listen to the words written down on our Hemp written constitution.. look it up…. its hard to kick against the thorns,theres many natural extensions to carry our freedom…….. what happens when you grow old, your blood doesnt turn to dust.. YOU’RE STILL ALIVE so naturally religiously unkind. its only a different point of view, but we all have love, thats what unites us, not beliefs… NO TRUE MAGICIAN HAS EVER SACRIFICED LIFE, DRANK BLOOD, OR TAKEN PART IN ANY OTHER STUPID URBAN LEGEND RITUAL. THEY GIVE BACK TO THE EARTH OUT OF LIFE. THIS SORT OF BEHAVIOR IS LEFT TO THE PSYCHOTIC, DOGMATIC, THIS SORT OF BEHAVIOR IS LEFT TO THE SICK. AND IM IN THE THICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE IT TO THE FUNDELMENTALIST BELIEVERS YOU SEE ON T.V. EVERYDAY LETTING OFF BOMBSAND KILLING PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF GOD………BELIEFS ARE DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! BELIEFS ALLOW THE MIND TO STOP FUNCTIONING… A NON-FUNCTIONING MIND IS CLINICALLY DEAD. BELIEVE IN NOTHING…………………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

We all have faces and are united thru LOVE. under one sky, sun, moon and stars….. some of you should have racing stripes the way you wan a pursuit…… one by one. recognize the old poster. “I want You” chosen few!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

I have been following free keene for two days now spending about 7 hours a day watching the videos. I am going into L.E. and agree with the basic concept you have, but you are going about it the wrong way and making fools of yourselves. It so entertaining. I’d almost rather watch you guys in court then Will Ferrel on SNL. Try going about it in a more respectful way and that is how you will win more support and gain followers for your cause. Good luck.

11 years ago

Also could some answer this question for me:

When you are living in this “free state”, what happens when someone does something wrong in the Shire? Who determines what happens to them? and who gives them that authority to do so if its a free state?

Deon Howard
Deon Howard
11 years ago

Agreed and would to join like minded individuals in Keene

Richard Sage
11 years ago


Brad Drew
11 years ago

Im in, no matter where I live. All the best, I will support this effort any way I can, in liberty, DrGetaBit

Brad Drew
11 years ago
Reply to  Barry Hayes

Flint, you mean. :@)

louis rodriguez
louis rodriguez
11 years ago

I praise what you are doing stand up for your rights . I a member of no fear legal texas keep up the good work

louis rodriguez
louis rodriguez
11 years ago

if you need any help please let me know

louis rodriguez
louis rodriguez
11 years ago

Louis rodriguez accept as signature as member of shire louis5855@outlook,com

Arch Angel
Arch Angel
11 years ago

Count me in.

“A great nation does not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation. Initially, the nation is carried by the revolutionary zeal of Patriots who have gambled their fortunes and lives; that have bled to give that nation birth; and struggled to preserve their vision for their progeny. It is when they have become established that aims are lost, ideals are replaced by vague ritual, and the Patriots are supplanted by opportunists, sycophants, and an army of bureaucrats.” – Arch Angel

Beau Riley
Beau Riley
11 years ago

The Shire is everywhere!

Heiko Cochius
Heiko Cochius
11 years ago

I sign this declaration. Heiko Cochius

Nick Cresci
Nick Cresci
11 years ago

I’m signing this and coming New Hampshire soon! Thank you!

Michael Shanklin
Michael Shanklin
11 years ago

Thank you for all your hard work! The right to not be a slave to government is an alienable right!

11 years ago


Christopher Butcher
Christopher Butcher
11 years ago

For Life, Liberty and in the pursuit of happiness !! This is my signature to become a member of the Shire. Thank you.

Andy Hollums
Andy Hollums
11 years ago

I’m in. And maybe one day I’ll live in the Shire.

James Delnort
11 years ago

Hereby signed by James Delnort.

11 years ago

Signed by Blake Roeder

11 years ago


Pete Siegel
Pete Siegel
11 years ago

I believe in one’s rights to not be taken away or infringed by force as our government does so often. I whole heartedly agree with the Shire Society Declaration. God live freedom and the right to enjoy it for all!

11 years ago
Reply to  Brad Drew

“In like Flynn” is a slang phrase meaning “having achieved a goal or gained access as desired”. The title of the film In Like Flint (1967) is a play on the term, and that has led to a malapropism where some speakers believe that is the original phrase.

Christopher Chase Rachels
Christopher Chase Rachels
10 years ago

I would amend the second precept to include force initiation against property as well. Also I would add somewhere in here that property may only be justly acquired through original appropriation (aka homesteading) or voluntary exchange. Other than that I love it!

Sojourner Fathom
Sojourner Fathom
10 years ago

The undersigned is hereby declared a member of the Shire Society,
Robert, of the family Kight

Cory Lowe
Cory Lowe
10 years ago


your name
your name
10 years ago

I think I am going to get this fabricated as my license plate.

your name
your name
10 years ago
Bo Hollingsworth
Bo Hollingsworth
10 years ago

Unless you move here and run for state Representative, to change bad laws and vote for secession, you are wasting you time. Changing laws must be part of the declaration.

P James
P James
10 years ago
Reply to  your name

“only lawful instrument of detained is a sworn statement of personal injury”. Er, no, not according to US law. You’re just making shit up.

daniel Allen
daniel Allen
10 years ago

I’m with you all in spirit aiming to move out in two years. Man makes a strong stance
when he declares to stand for another’s freedom. No one is given freedom so for now, numbers
can stand as encouragement to others that need a little nudge

10 years ago

I, the undersigned, hereby declare myself a sovereign member of the Society of the Shire.
– Joshua K. Metzger

Also, I am interested in ordination into the ministry of the Free Church of the Shire. I will contact you via Facebook, as instructed. Peace be with us all.

Josh Metzger
Josh Metzger
10 years ago

I, the undersigned, hereby declare myself a sovereign member of the Society of the Shire.

– Joshua Metzger

Also, I am interested in ordination into the ministry of the Free Church of the Shire. I will contact you via Facebook, as instructed. Peace be with us all.

Steven Greenwalt
Steven Greenwalt
10 years ago

I’m in.

Dakota Reynolds
10 years ago

I, Dakota Reynolds, sign this declaration and am hoping to move to Keene, NH soon from Oklahoma. I’d love to get in contact with someone who lives there now!

9 years ago
Reply to  yeah

I agree take a hike ,bunch of nutjobs.Especialy that guy on the youtube videos.H says “FREE KEENE.COM.What an idiot

Barry Ellis
Barry Ellis
9 years ago


Duratec Dave
Duratec Dave
9 years ago


Jerry Gogart
Jerry Gogart
9 years ago

Newly arrived free stater. Just arrived in Berlin (all we could afford) a week ago last Sunday, and settling in. Happy to sign, and start meeting folks

Karl Schipul
Karl Schipul
9 years ago
Reply to  Greg Gauthier

Correct, but not everyone is smart enough to put all these pieces together, though. In my experience, if you do not explicitly spell out some things for people, some of them either misunderstand or get weaselly and play dumb.

Dr. C.N. Turrell
Dr. C.N. Turrell
9 years ago

This sure is something I can agree with.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
9 years ago

I do not need to sign this to be free, nor to know that I am free. I was born free, it was then that men claiming to represent me, sought to enslave me.

Shawn Grissom
Shawn Grissom
9 years ago

I sign the declaration

9 years ago

i’m in

9 years ago

I live in NH, and I’m not to thrilled about out of staters coming in to try and foster their beliefs on everyone else. Of course we all want to live free (and we do in this great country!), but we also need a strong government to make things fair and liveable for everyone. I don’t want someone opening a chemical dump next door to me, so I support zoning and environmental regulations. I don’t want drunken bozos walking around with AK47’s so I support reasonable gun control laws. I want good cultural opportunities for myself, my family  and my neighbors, so I support well funded public libraries, museums, and of course schools. The most liveable and wealthiest countries in the world are ones with a strong, well funded government – like Sweden, Denmark, etc. Countries with weak governments are generally a mess. That’s how civilization works. I agree there is way too much corruption in our government, but much of that corruption stems from the very wealthy manipulating the government for their own ends. Listen to Bernie Sanders, one of the few politicians who has the guts to speak out against the real evils of democracy.

9 years ago


9 years ago

nice post, <a href=””>obat benjolan di ketiak</a>

9 years ago

I, Bradley Hunt sign the Shire Society Declaration and intend to move to New Hampshire for the Free State Project.

9 years ago

I, Marissa Hunt sign the Shire Society Declaration and I intend to move to New Hampshire for the Free State Project 😀

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x