Sign the Declaration

Now, simply by adding your comment with your name and any thoughts you might have to the bottom of this article, you can electronically sign the Shire Society Declaration! While you can be in the Shire as a state of mind, it makes sense to live close to others who believe as you do. You are encouraged to immiGREAT to the Shire.

To learn about how the Shire Society Declaration came to be and to see high resolution versions of the originals, please visit the History page.

Perhaps you’d prefer to sign a physical copy that you can keep? Just grab this PDF and print it out for you and your friends and family to sign!

Shire Society Declaration

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED witnesses to the lesson of history — that no form of political governance may be relied upon to secure the individual rights of life, liberty, or property — now therefore establish and provide certain fundamental precepts measuring our conduct toward one another, and toward others:

FIRST, each individual is the exclusive proprietor of his or her own existence and all products thereof, holding no obligations except those created by consent;

SECOND, no individual or association of individuals, however constituted, has the right to initiate force against any other individual;

THIRD, each individual has the inalienable right of self-defense against the initiation of force;

FOURTH, explicit voluntary association is the only means by which binding obligations may be created, and claims based on association or relationships to which any party did not consent are empty and invalid;

FIFTH, rights are neither collective nor additive in character, and no group can possess rights in excess of those belonging to its individual members;

We hereby declare our commitment to peace, individual sovereignty, and independence, and join the Shire Society.

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9 years ago

TomZootsi We are just working within the system like everyone tells us to. Don’t get upset if we play the democracy game and happen to win.

9 years ago

Melanie Johnson

9 years ago

<a href=””>Ace Maxs Murah</a> is the best treatment to overcome <a href=””>Pengobatan Benjolan DI Selangkangan</a>

9 years ago

Because liberty and freedom is not a “belief” to be foisted on others as some think it is (see posts…yikes!) and is actually a way of life and a way to have a true civil society where all *voluntarily* work together (and separately) to accomplish goals and fulfill dreams without stealing from one another by force or threats I am pleased to sign this declaration…

9 years ago

Steven Emory Comer
It is an honor to sign my name to a document that has clearly been drafted by an individual, of high consciousness, well versed in Natural Law. I pledge to Live my life in harmony with both The Non Aggression and the self defense principle this document invokes.
May Truth, Liberty, and Love be bestowed on all humankind, especially though in harmony with the divine understanding of freedom this document implies.

9 years ago

Daniel Thornberry

9 years ago

Joseph, without prejudice.

9 years ago

Andrew K. Troutman
This is the most beautiful document that I have ever read in my life.

9 years ago


Nathan DeJonge
Nathan DeJonge
9 years ago


~Nathan DeJonge~

9 years ago
Reply to  repairmanjack

Lavasha marrero

Sam Warner
9 years ago

Samuel P. Warner

michael770michael conrad

Michael Conrad
9 years ago

Hmmm…I signed this over a year ago but do not see my signature. So I’m signing again! I agree and sign this wonderful declaration.

9 years ago

Signed and agreed

Samantha Roberts
9 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

samanthaswift!12 I am in a place that recognizes self and the desire to manifest a proper and loving community in which will be a shining example for all to return to The Mother. All will be Connecting to the force of creativity of like and kind individuals working from the collective bringing the truth filled vibrations of all being creator experiencing the mystic that has manifest to the common. There is lost knowledge we are here to re-engrain into the psyche. Some carry many of the lost commonalities to a part of our existence that calls forth the energies and manifest of our foremothers. Some carry much of the earthen simplicity of hand to manifest creation. I am that. I make this declaration to all of entirety and signing This Declaration with a singing signature. Samantha L. Roberts

Robert William Jr.: House of Woodhall; self aware living man
Robert William Jr.: House of Woodhall; self aware living man
9 years ago

Robert William Jr.: House of Woodhall; self aware living man.

Robert Anthony Zivolich (PETER) Heir Apparent
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Robert Anthony Zivolich (PETER)
Heir Apparent – Master Marshal
Kingdom of Zion
Salem (Shalom) (Peace) Oregon

Jacob matthew Justice
9 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I like and admire what you’re doing. keep it up, I’ll be moving to keen very soon.

9 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Check your State Statutes for the phrase ” in this state or in the state ” this is where the New Hampshire statutes apply. The State of New Hampshire is all the federal land in New Hampshire. There are two governments one under common law the other under statutes. This is how they fool us they write a law for the land they own and then apply it on land they do not own you have to challenge territorial jurisdiction to address this.

Frank the Tank
Frank the Tank
9 years ago

“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!” – ” Love your Creator and love thy neighbor as thyself, upon these two Commandments rest the whole law!”

If “we” really and truly honored and performed the above statements in our daily lives, we would have no need for websites like this! But, since good and evil minded men and women co-exist together in this world, we (who desire to live in harmony) must come together and find a common bond, which is nothing more than the desire to be “FREE” men and women from the tyrannical notions and motives of oppressive psychopaths!! Let freedom ring!!

Frank the TanK

Jarred Goodell
Jarred Goodell
9 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I pledge to support the police taking criminals to jail even for jaywalking.

Frederick Moe
Frederick Moe
9 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe


9 years ago


Sal Freeman
Sal Freeman
9 years ago
Reply to  Kina Bar

Fill me with freedom and away from all this oppression & false justice system. I may inhibit California but the hostility is why I do not consent to any of their laws.I’ve even been shot in the neck by an officer back when I turned 18 I’m now 23 & the last thing I told my lawyer was so you’re telling me that I’m not going to make out on this because I’m not dead or paralyzed & he responded to me saying what do you want lo happen to the officer & I quote him “do you want him to be prosecuted” I said hell yea! but unfortunately he told me you and I both know that’s not going to happen ?and 8 settled out of court for barley enough to pay my hospital bills the bullet went into my neck to my shoulder it’s changed my view and opened my eyes to the bigger picture this is my signature and if hope to be apart of Keene someday too.

9 years ago

Thom [Más] Potter, Hemet, CA. Like heating a Korean house, we start with the floor.

Cynthia Brandt
Cynthia Brandt
8 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Cynthia Brandt, former member of the FSP. Count me in!

michael conrad
michael conrad
8 years ago

Michael conrad

Bill Koons
8 years ago

I am in agreement with this declaration.

Jack Wahlquist
Jack Wahlquist
8 years ago

The only way we have a chance at a nonviolent, deeply peaceful society is to embody nonviolence every day. I embody nonviolence and anarchy in my life everyday, and can’t succeed without my community. I am humbled by The Shire’s work and our community. Soon I will be in The Shire, and peace will emanate from within. Nothing can shake me, nothing can shock or disrupt this peace. I pass it on to those around me. They can threaten, hurt, abuse or even kill us, but they can’t get all of us or our descendants. I am here not for revolution- to repeat the mistakes of the founding fathers- but for resolution. I am here for radical, peaceful coexistence.

Jack Wahlquist
Jack Wahlquist
8 years ago
Reply to  TomZootsi

You can still do all of the things you want to, we are not forcing anything on you but living the way we want to. If you care about the environment then you should oppose government completely, as war and violence are the most fundamental destructive forces to the environment. People are part of the environment.

If you want to see businesses grow that have integrity, are environmentally conscious and align with your values, then you can support or remove support by choosing where to shop. New Hampshire has the second largest network of co-ops, permaculture, alt energy, and free trade in the country next to Minnesota. Free trade in this sense refers to allowing consumers to choose raw milk and unregulated foods, which gives farmers much more freedom to connect with the land and the people the way they see fit.

If you really want to see some exciting environmental practices, check out PermaCityLife in Franklin, New Hampshire. There are a lot of anarchists involved that want to decrease government, and the state is getting in the way with regulations and trying to steal Todd Workman’s money for not organizing his plans the way the state wants. This is impeding, not helping. Whatever your beliefs are, you can be a part of the movement by coexisting with us and taking action instead of getting caught up in beliefs.

Victor Gagliano
Victor Gagliano
8 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Victor F Gagliano supports the shiresociety

Alex Avery
Alex Avery
8 years ago

I heartily endorse this product or service

Craig Thomas
8 years ago

I am planning on visiting New Hampshire in July week of 18-23 thereabouts.

9 years ago

Been listening to LRN like the things they talk about.

9 years ago

Kristin Geiger

9 years ago

Severin Freeman

9 years ago

K.D.M Signing the declaration!

Gregory Bloomfield
Gregory Bloomfield
9 years ago

Gregory Bloomfield

9 years ago

Robert Hubbard, electronic signature of the Shire Dec. page.

9 years ago

Maria Korfiatis 🙂

9 years ago

Signed, a printed copy at Cheshire fair, came across it going through stuff, so here I sign digital and continue to declare my sovereignty as I further my quest for peace and unity, I live under Gods laws , not Mans , I abhor  FDR act 1933, and nothing can ever be taken away from me with out my consent,  I am Free of all of Governments, and I am a sovereign son of God! Signing under the birth name given to me Paul Joseph Keller Jr.,  And the Name I am called Pauly and the name I am  AKA TWSTA ( The World System Transmitter Associate ) And Another Name I am AKA TWIST simply for my ability to Twist , untwist and Flip words and things  in ways that leave uneducated fools scratching their heads. From this point on I live my Life according to The Old testament  The book of Acts and Walk freely through this world harming No one , And will be Accepted by everyone, I am Humble , Kind , Trustworthy, and A Son, Brother, Father, Grandfather (Aumpah )  Friend to all. And answer Only to God  Our Father,  And will be Accepted by all as Such! So it is Written , and So it IS !

9 years ago

Pauly Pauly Pauly  on Facebook

9 years ago
9 years ago

Peter Coppola

8 years ago

Joel Evangelist. Our Federal and State government officials cannot be trusted. Time for a change. Love this declaration.

Ed Watts
Ed Watts
8 years ago

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master…” — George Washington

8 years ago

Abel Erives

8 years ago

Cheryl Erives


8 years ago

I concur

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