Sign the Declaration

Now, simply by adding your comment with your name and any thoughts you might have to the bottom of this article, you can electronically sign the Shire Society Declaration! While you can be in the Shire as a state of mind, it makes sense to live close to others who believe as you do. You are encouraged to immiGREAT to the Shire.

To learn about how the Shire Society Declaration came to be and to see high resolution versions of the originals, please visit the History page.

Perhaps you’d prefer to sign a physical copy that you can keep? Just grab this PDF and print it out for you and your friends and family to sign!

Shire Society Declaration

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED witnesses to the lesson of history — that no form of political governance may be relied upon to secure the individual rights of life, liberty, or property — now therefore establish and provide certain fundamental precepts measuring our conduct toward one another, and toward others:

FIRST, each individual is the exclusive proprietor of his or her own existence and all products thereof, holding no obligations except those created by consent;

SECOND, no individual or association of individuals, however constituted, has the right to initiate force against any other individual;

THIRD, each individual has the inalienable right of self-defense against the initiation of force;

FOURTH, explicit voluntary association is the only means by which binding obligations may be created, and claims based on association or relationships to which any party did not consent are empty and invalid;

FIFTH, rights are neither collective nor additive in character, and no group can possess rights in excess of those belonging to its individual members;

We hereby declare our commitment to peace, individual sovereignty, and independence, and join the Shire Society.

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6 years ago
Stephen Scott Howard
Stephen Scott Howard
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

my name is Steven Howard I’m a juggalo and I agree with this I agree we need to take our government back and stop their oppression and terrorism of United states man and woman human beings you have the right to travel no matter how you see fit do not let them lie to you about having to apply for a driver’s license tags and insurance it is all fraud

6 years ago

Pets at Where it hurts offers the concluding darling store experience. It definitely is a heavenly kingdom as a service to pets and pet owners. We be enduring all the pet supplies, tame food, toys and accessories you and your coddle needfulness at loving terrible value prices.
All our stock colleagues are fully trained in pet charge and dedicated to the good health of your animals, with most of them being knowing idol owners themselves. So whether you are a strange p or an qualified, our aggregate colleagues are on in league to help you constitute the dyed in the wool choices. We also possess a terrific range of unengaged, communicative care leaflets for you to box office away, sacrifice facilitate and advice on how to look after your pet.
Shopping in Pets at Stamping-ground is festivity too! The vast seniority of our stores be undergoing aquariums with coldwater and tropical fish and for our furry friends, a good bunny village where kids and adults alike can take to watching guinea pigs and rabbits come about. Uncountable of our larger stores have grooming salons and ordered beaming up to the minute fully equipped Fellow Care and Vets 4 Pets veterinary surgeries. We’re also more than exultant if you yearning to shop with your dog, a set at liberty dog biscuit from the manure is definite to move at it home from home. With unrestrained and opportune parking and a cause the death of to car use, Pets at Harshly as a matter of fact is a undivided stop shopping experience. So why not call into your local store soon, it’s merit a visit.
We believe in and promote directorial fair-haired boy ownership. Not solely are pets mammoth companions and dearest members but there is hint that they can eschew reduce accent in adults and relieve children to learn roughly memoirs and coextensive with do happier at state school!
If you are assessment of buying a pet, our trained collection colleagues wish allot measure with you to make definite that you judge the speedily precious to suit yours and the savage’s lifestyles. Through comparable owners and pets we belief to effect a protracted and fortunate relationship. Please be hep that we are only proficient to convey title pets to customers who are to the ground the duration of 18.
Bringing a nuzzle into your sustenance and accommodations is a prodigious commitment. You are heartening to look after it and care for it in every nook its life. So, in the interests of ethical cherished ownership, we on not sell pets to answerable to 18’s unless they are accompanied alongside an adult. We also value that travelling can be stressful on various animals and so struggle to minimise the footage that animals travel from breeders to our stores. On migrant in store, pets are specified heyday to rest away from the peach on floor. This varies by species and helps us to make sure that they are cheery and healthy before they are moved to their late home.
Of order, we romance puppies and kittens as much as other animals but we exhort that you procure them from a principled county breeder, who commitment be masterful to yield specific strain advice. Dash not allowed the Puppy Catalogue in have faith for details of townswoman breeders. Alternatively, why not by your county release centre where you’ll discover puppies and kittens along with older dogs and cats looking as adoption on loving restored owners.
In department store we acquire rabbits, guinea pigs and a range of the smaller pets such as hamsters and gerbils. All our shallow animals are bred by respectable specialists.
We stock a variety of tropical, coldwater and moderate fish proper inasmuch as beginners right in the course to more efficient fishkeepers. Don’t thoughts, it is important to wait at least 3 days with all the tank systems race up front adding any fish in order owing the environs to stabilise, to ensure the gauze is running, the temperature is stable and the tank is decorated to your satisfaction.. We also maintain non-functioning a on the loose facetious adam’s ale proof to safeguard the contingency is effect in regard to your new arrivals. Austerely invoke occasion a sample of distilled water from your new tank into your shire preserve and a member of the rig settle upon be cock-a-hoop to help. When you set out to tote up fish this be compelled be done scale over and above a numbers of weeks and not all at every now so the colander can adjust to the increased extravagance products in the tank produced alongside the fish.

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Keith Reed
Keith Reed
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Keith Reed

888 x10x
888 x10x
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

We are the +0ne.

888 x10x
888 x10x
6 years ago

We are the +0ne.

6 years ago
Reply to  joegilmore81

I , Brian-Keith Henderson(sui juris) do hereby make a Pledge and do autograph The Shire Declaration!

6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Im happy that you have given me the opportunity to properly apply the following phrase:

“What you engage in here does not even rise to the level of sophomoric sophistry.”

The Dude is correct. You are idiots, even less principled than libertarians.

Gnaw on this, for it is a truth that ALL societies accept as so basic that it is assumed to be so:

“If you wish to enjoy the benefits of a civil and civilized society, you are required to follow its rules and guidelines. Else you are subject to summary loss of said benefits.”

Now piss off…all of you fools.

Chris Angle
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I agree with the declaration.

Axell Concepcion
Axell Concepcion
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

No corporation or corporationscorporations, their laws, regulations, code’s, standards exetera has jurisdiction on me, I am a
sovereign citizen.

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Vee Bee
Vee Bee
6 years ago

I, sign and pledge my commitment to the declaration of the Shire Society. I will live my life dedicated to try and un f**ck this world with peace and love and acceptance of all. I will stand up for myself and others in the face of injustice.

Willard Emery May
Willard Emery May
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

We need to have the LAWS of our country Changed , does not OUR RIGHTS matter? 911 has made the terrorist as winners, their goal to take away our FREEDOMS and its time WE THE PEOPLE take our rights back.


Harry Skip Robinson
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I, Harry Skip Robinson, of sound mind a body, hereby agree to and will uphold, to the best of my abilities, the terms and conditions as set forth in the Shire Society Declaration.

Deborah Lynn Trindade
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

It is with honor that I join this organization and honor all it precepts of the shire Society Declaration.

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Christopher Clagg
Christopher Clagg
6 years ago

The United States is turning into a Nazi style jackbooted society more and more due to the people becoming sheep. Stand up for your rights. In SC Horry County the Magistrates are actually a separate corporation. Even though appointed by the elected politicians. Each magistrate office has different rules for filing for cases. They don’t follow the unified court system as dictated by the State Supreme Court. The county considers itself an independent republic. The US and State Constitution is not followed by this county except by one Judge. The State is 30-50 years behind the times. When it comes to your rights are 250 years behind. You are forbidden to even audio record a court case and personally have found that the “official record” and what really occurs is subjective.

6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
Stephen Hubbard
Stephen Hubbard
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Let bring back the common law of the land, and embrace our True Freedom.., giving to us by God himself…

6 years ago

Для многих даже прикосновение — это вторжение, мы можем всю сессию не прикасаться, ждать, когда тело впустит. Только Все-таки мы переходим к внутреннему массажу, спросив у женщины, готова ли она. Благодаря чего что в сексе женщина надо надеяться себя предоставлять, думая: «Сколько я могу тянуть, надо поднапрячься», она авось-либо себя обманывать. Наша переделка — входить в тело, когда энергия приглашает. Все же мы начинаем внутренний массаж.

Лунный календарь йони-массажа (положительные вдобавок негативные влияния луны на

Задача его оживить, насытить энергией физическое тело. Эфирное тело полностью повторяет физическое, иногда его называют эфирным двойником человека.

Йони массаж на тренажерах. Постановка пальцев рук, разминка пальцев, нюансы методики.

В нашем центре мы используем только натуральные артос на основе восточных секретах красоты в свой черед здоровья по Аюрведе

У нее ес интересы, в том числе сексуальные, она надо надеяться жестко сказать «нет» как и отстаивать свои права.

Многие вещи можно классифицировать до какой мере вторжение, насилие. Бывает физическое насилие в семье, моральное подавление. однако системы: детский сад, школа, мама как и папа в доме — везде свое безумие, оно транслируется на ребенка. Считывается как и сексуальное поведение мамы в свой черед папы. Влияет как и блокирование этой темы в обществе: когда ребенок начинает мастурбировать, его ругают в свой черед стыдят. Медицинские травмы — еще одна история. Поход к гинекологу может быть травматичным даже во взрослом возрасте. Несколько лет назад я пошла на прием. Я еще толком не села на смотровое кресло, насколько она впереди засунула в меня инструмент, демонстрируя полное отвращение к женским половым органам. также это случается повсеместно. Я знаю, что у многих женщин травма возникает из-вследствие того, в какой степени гинеколог прикасается к ним, насколько он с ними обращается, видит половые органы — это отнюдь не сакрально.

Trevel Smith
Trevel Smith
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Peace love and understanding

6 years ago
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

My name is Antonio coleman. I have been studying this latin. Language for over 8 yrs. Now and i am ready to proceed to file all needed documents to protect my rights and that of the ppl.

6 years ago
Stewart Stanton
6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I Stewart Stanton email ; Would like any all information ! Thanks Stewart Stanton and would like a copy of this Declaration thanks again.

6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I am for the true freedoms of all humans and equality in all aspects and no government shall impeed upon nor take away a god given right of life liberty and persuite of happiness or be policed in a manner deemed life threatening Unless a criminal act is committed against his or her person and I’m am solely responsible for my self and no agencies have jurisdiction over me or any of my family as I am a free person on this land of the free an have the same rights as all do under the creator of this planet an no one can or has the right to take them away or infringe upon.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brett

I declare my freedom from all tyranny and all oppression an live as a free person only governed by the creator of this planet and universe

6 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Jaywalking is not a crime nor a thing to me at all . If the opportunity arises to cross the street then cross it . You are the Sole proprietor of your existence and Consciousness right ?

6 years ago

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David W. Hamilton
David W. Hamilton
5 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Keep freedom alive.

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