Sign the Declaration

Now, simply by adding your comment with your name and any thoughts you might have to the bottom of this article, you can electronically sign the Shire Society Declaration! While you can be in the Shire as a state of mind, it makes sense to live close to others who believe as you do. You are encouraged to immiGREAT to the Shire.

To learn about how the Shire Society Declaration came to be and to see high resolution versions of the originals, please visit the History page.

Perhaps you’d prefer to sign a physical copy that you can keep? Just grab this PDF and print it out for you and your friends and family to sign!

Shire Society Declaration

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED witnesses to the lesson of history — that no form of political governance may be relied upon to secure the individual rights of life, liberty, or property — now therefore establish and provide certain fundamental precepts measuring our conduct toward one another, and toward others:

FIRST, each individual is the exclusive proprietor of his or her own existence and all products thereof, holding no obligations except those created by consent;

SECOND, no individual or association of individuals, however constituted, has the right to initiate force against any other individual;

THIRD, each individual has the inalienable right of self-defense against the initiation of force;

FOURTH, explicit voluntary association is the only means by which binding obligations may be created, and claims based on association or relationships to which any party did not consent are empty and invalid;

FIFTH, rights are neither collective nor additive in character, and no group can possess rights in excess of those belonging to its individual members;

We hereby declare our commitment to peace, individual sovereignty, and independence, and join the Shire Society.

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Elijah m
Elijah m
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Elijah r Mack

4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

signed, bitloss

Hans W Beaugrand
Hans W Beaugrand
4 years ago
Reply to  James Delnort

Understood and signed Wolf

Scott Dickinson
Scott Dickinson
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Hey all,
Dave Ridley sent me here. Never met the man but found him 9 yrs ago on yt. I am seriously considering the big move.
Thanks, Scott

Apachi helicopter
Apachi helicopter
4 years ago

Wonder if this bull will hold up in courts

Shirley Bryant
4 years ago

He who the Sonne sets free is free in deed. Thank you, I too stand in agreement with the Shire Society, declaring, our Gift of Freedom is unalienable, it is endowed by our Creator.

Craig Anderson
Craig Anderson
4 years ago

I am a living man created with the divine spark in 1951. I hereby sign this declaration.

Aiden DeVanney-Nance
Aiden DeVanney-Nance
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Aiden DeVanney Nance here.
I feel like this could all be simplified and rendered down to that line from stanza 2. “No individual has the right to initiate force” keep all things voluntary folks. This idea got us all the progress and individual autonomy to enjoy that societal progress that we acclaim today. Don’t let us slip down the throat of authoritarian ideologies. And don’t forget that socialism also can theoretically exist without a government gun if you’re into that. And don’t forget that your autonomy within this natural right is yours if anything is. Don’t pretend like your damned governments can take it from you. You are a human! No law our order can even slightly infringe on that. Rage against the dying of the light. Never give them an inch!

Aiden DeVanney-Nance
Aiden DeVanney-Nance
4 years ago
Reply to  Dean T. Harris

Why would you need to ask our federal government nicely for a visa which hasn’t read its own constitution in about 2 centuries when “each individual has the inalienable right of self-defense against the initiation of force;” you can just take your right to live here and work without asking wether it’s popular or allowed. There are people in the free state who will defend customers and businesses owners and workers’ right to voluntary exchange with ak47’s.

Joe Moreira
Joe Moreira
4 years ago

Joe A Moreira
I declare myself sovereign and free

Joe Potato
Joe Potato
4 years ago

Your fuckers are goofy and you’d better hope that we never meet.

4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Stefan Paddock – Sovereign individual.

There are no man-made laws, free men abide by natural law.

I pledge that I will never trespass on another persons ability to pursue life, liberty and property. I pledge to help protect those whose life, liberty, and property are in jeopardy. And I pledge to honor these principles no matter the rewards or consequences.

Christopher Adam Arnesen
Christopher Adam Arnesen
4 years ago

I hereby sign the Shire Society Declaration.

Hue-man Boudreaux
Hue-man Boudreaux
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Great job Roger Boudreaux Jr

Brant Freeman
Brant Freeman
4 years ago


Osvaldo Yarel Crespo Hernandez
Osvaldo Yarel Crespo Hernandez
4 years ago

(Thank you for this ideal and comment Bryant Schroder which I will make use of in this comment)

Our country, the United States, will never be free until the citizens are no longer sheep and the followers of the United States INC. Only until people realize that the United States is not located in America, but Washington DC, that they are not located in the United States and they are not a country. State. It is a foreign territory. I, Osvaldo Yarel, make this declaration to all private and free persons and I sign this Declaration with a signed signature and reserving all my unalienable or (Unalianable) rights. Osvaldo Yarel better known as Osvaldo Yarel Crespo Hernandez

Brain J Crabb
Brain J Crabb
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Brian Crabb

4 years ago

Maybe wishful thinking but I fully support this cause.

4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

William E. Reynolds

4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Probia Person and original jurisdiction holder viktor-emil hereby authorizes the declaration.

4 years ago

I would like to join your Shire society. A friend told me about your weekly meetings where you all get together to explore each others bodies. I am very openminded and have recently come out of the closet. I think the male body is a beautiful thing!

Robert Sosa
Robert Sosa
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Robert A Sosa

Jeffrey Yunes
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe


walter kirsch
walter kirsch
4 years ago


Joseph Yoder
Joseph Yoder
4 years ago

Those who are ignorant of history, are doomed to repeat it. While this document consists of a solid wholesome message it would do the nation good to live by, it consists of vague-ambiguous language that even in today’s language can be misunderstood; I would hate to see how it’s interpreted in 100 to 200 hundred years in the same way our constitution is facing the same misinterpretation today.

We must think deeper than simply how the message moves us in the moment, and come up with a way to clearly define the message for the future.

The script I have a bone to pick on with the most, is the Second one. It’s very ambiguous in today’s terms and in effect seems to nullify and impede an avenue of justice. Effectively allowing those who decide to not live by this decree to go around thieving, murdering, and raping people without recourse due to the fact that outside of self-defense you couldn’t take ‘force’ against them. ‘force’ being the ambiguous word in question.

4 years ago

Someone told me about your organization and I’d like to join. I’m particularly interested in the weekly male masturbation meeting that you have every monday afternoon. Thank you.

One Human
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

So be it!

Justin Robert Kalis
Justin Robert Kalis
4 years ago

I accept this declaration as mine own.
I consent to a life of self governance and uphold my duty to my fellow man to work everyday in helping my fellow Americans achieve income equality sufficient to make them able to care for their family an live a prosperous life.

Accept as my signature the name below.

Justin Robert Kalis

Tristan Ingram
Tristan Ingram
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I the living man and soul created in the image and likeness of my God that is Christ, hereby declare myself as a part of the Shire Society: sincerely, Tristan Ingram.

Cody Bedwell
Cody Bedwell
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I pledge.

Steve L
Steve L
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Let Freedom Reign !

4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Hello! I am so glad I found out about this great organization. I have been searching for years for a group of like minded folks who value peace and liberty. I would like to know how I can participate in your weekly masturbation session for men. I was told it’s every monday, is that right? Is Ian Freeman usually there? Let me know.

Daryl Jassen
4 years ago

Hi all–

Regarding “rights”–

1. A “right” must be a verb; it can never be a noun.
2. The basic human right is to defend oneself.
3. The basic human obligation is to be truthful.

Elliot Axelman
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I support this and hereby declare my independence from tyrants and governments of all forms!

Adon El
Adon El
4 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Adon El check out my channel on YOUTUBE for insight of how to become an international private banker and truly find independence.

Crystal Human
3 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Sounds great! I’m in!

3 years ago


Eric Lee Haley
Eric Lee Haley
3 years ago
Reply to  James Delnort

– Eric Lee Haley

Paul chasse
Paul chasse
3 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Paul Chasse : Totally support the movement would really like to understand more about it and how I could take my wife and kids and move up there if anybody has more information about that feel free so let me know

Ron Bloom
Ron Bloom
3 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

My tenants are Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity. Commit no act of aggression on others, and only engage in voluntary interactions with others. My body, my voice, and my will are mine, and mine alone and I am the ultimate authority concerning these.
I wholeheartedly and with absolute conviction adhere to the principles and ideas of the Shire society and the Church of the Shire.

Gabriel H.
Gabriel H.
3 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Are parent-child relationships and the corresponding obligations non-binding, empty and invalid?

I feel rather bound to my offspring and positively obligated to fight for the freedom of their future and raise them with training in good principals and behavior so they become capable of responsibility which independence and liberty depend on.

Also, I’m going to vacation in NH during the last 2 weeks of Sept.
I’ll check the forums for any recommendations on connection opportunities.

3 years ago

The Shire Society Declaration is beautifully and wisely written. I appreciate being asked to sign such a statement to join the Shire Free Church. I have never belonged to a church, but this feels right. The idea of being peaceful toward others seems most integral to a healthy spirituality, and that’s really the idea I see at the heart of the declaration.

Zach Boyle
Zach Boyle
3 years ago

I agree. I affirm I am a free individual!

David Laneski
3 years ago

Beautiful document. A complete recipe for liberty.

Fernando Moura
Fernando Moura
3 years ago

Fernando Moura
Unfortunately I live in Brazil and cannot physically immigrate. I feel so sad that I can’t enjoy the freedom that exists in NH. I will be with you in my heart and in my mind

Reht Butler
Reht Butler
2 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

A marvelous simplified parallel to our God given US constitution. Honor and glory to The King of The Kingdom of Light.

Anthony Gigliobianco
Anthony Gigliobianco
2 years ago

Where do I begin? Looks like I finally found a site with like-minded individuals, who think that government run societies are in abomination to both personal freedom and civility. Looking forward to reading all the comments on this site.

Charles Constance
Charles Constance
2 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I swear by my life and my love of it to follow the path of Liberty for myself and all other sovereign beings.

Timothy J Murphy
Timothy J Murphy
2 years ago
Would love your thoughts, please comment.x