Sign the Declaration

Now, simply by adding your comment with your name and any thoughts you might have to the bottom of this article, you can electronically sign the Shire Society Declaration! While you can be in the Shire as a state of mind, it makes sense to live close to others who believe as you do. You are encouraged to immiGREAT to the Shire.

To learn about how the Shire Society Declaration came to be and to see high resolution versions of the originals, please visit the History page.

Perhaps you’d prefer to sign a physical copy that you can keep? Just grab this PDF and print it out for you and your friends and family to sign!

Shire Society Declaration

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED witnesses to the lesson of history — that no form of political governance may be relied upon to secure the individual rights of life, liberty, or property — now therefore establish and provide certain fundamental precepts measuring our conduct toward one another, and toward others:

FIRST, each individual is the exclusive proprietor of his or her own existence and all products thereof, holding no obligations except those created by consent;

SECOND, no individual or association of individuals, however constituted, has the right to initiate force against any other individual;

THIRD, each individual has the inalienable right of self-defense against the initiation of force;

FOURTH, explicit voluntary association is the only means by which binding obligations may be created, and claims based on association or relationships to which any party did not consent are empty and invalid;

FIFTH, rights are neither collective nor additive in character, and no group can possess rights in excess of those belonging to its individual members;

We hereby declare our commitment to peace, individual sovereignty, and independence, and join the Shire Society.

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Donald J. Hawkins
Donald J. Hawkins
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I be lost so much mostly my life after these words from them and my kids family all gone I’ve slaved bitterly for any scrap I got worked self into ground and it’s weird cause jesuse Christ’s blood does run threw my license almost killed me again thanks to the unjust of that bigger botch I hate you if I were king witch should be I would say off with her head . but I wouldn’t I’m actually a man of god but you guys push that shot and lady kept me down from my rapcarer that I got 1110000 and hour is what I’m up to so humbled no thanks to a botch like you. But instead I will bring to your attention get some humility and try forgiveness for what ever who did what to you but wasn’t me and you did destroy mine appreciate it still haven’t seen my youngest since 06 and it killed me and then the cancer went threwthis shut has shut off my insurance I have broken Barack this is real that’s my struggle cause you didn’t like me what ever. I would hate to tell you but you at n t worth knowing till you loose your shirt or a around you welcome to my life

7 years ago


William Rivera
William Rivera
7 years ago

I Totally Support You Thank You For Opening my eyes to the Unbelievable The World We Live In. I Pledge To Stand By The Shire Society Declaration. Count Me And My Family In.

Phillip E. McDaniel
Phillip E. McDaniel
7 years ago

Phillip E. McDaniel
Lee County
State of Mississippi
In our Republic the US Constitution is the law. We cannot make law outside of this boundary, but only statutes. Therefore any statutes legislated must absolutely adhere to the law of the US Constitution. No corporate entity can lawfully be protected by the US Constitution because it is essentially a piece of paper that has been illegally granted the same rights,or above, as the sovereign inhabitants of the several states. It is my opinion that any participation in a corporation is nothing more than idolatry. God bless America, and may He restore our Republic, and may we always keep our Sovereignty.

Fredrick Porter
Fredrick Porter
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Old man now I am. Nonetheless, hope to start anew in the Live Free or Die state come mid-May 2017. I may not be a strict secessionist, but a political loose confederation of small political and social entities seems preferable to the outrageous and dangerous imperial situation today in the USA. Will try to get in touch with you or the Free State Project when I get to the US and NH. Good to know I shall have like minded people for neighbors working to make life on planet earth a better place.

7 years ago

Sam Watson

7 years ago

Kenny Kelly. I agree with my life, liberty, property, and every fiber of my being.

Bill Maxwell
Bill Maxwell
7 years ago

Consider this my signature,

Bill Maxwell

Joseph Hammonds
Joseph Hammonds
7 years ago

Joseph Hammonds

I hope to see y’all soon in the Shire

The Dude
The Dude
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

You guys are idiots!

Douglas Lewis
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Great scociety

Douglas r. Lewis
Douglas r. Lewis
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Freedom from tyranny
DOUGLAS R. lewis

Edward Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  AndrewTroutman

Courts intimade to many people

Edward Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  AndrewTroutman

I Edward Smith herebyhan given my aprovel and Vincent to add my name to this document

Edward Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  AndrewTroutman

I am so excited to join please add my eletronic signature as a ordained minister an my beliefs Edward Smith

Blake Chancey
Blake Chancey
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Aaron B Chancey

I Aaron Blake Chancey sign and pledge my commitment to the declaration of the Shire Society

Dean Madorma
Dean Madorma
7 years ago

Dean Madorma
I’ll I want to know is when the UN blue helmets come to push you off your land ,are you going to fight for land and die for freedom ,or run like cowards ,. If you’ll fight I would love to help your group prosper

7 years ago
Reply to  N/A

Awesome I watched the video of the FED raiding the head shop that is exactly the kind of community I want to live in. I love the State Rep who got in trouble for driving without a license and introduced a bill to abolish the DMV. Spent the last five days looking at houses there where’s the best place to live

Darlene Durand
Darlene Durand
7 years ago

New Hampshire, here I come. Leaving draconian, ignorant Montana. No freedom here, more like feudal England.

7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

All is won now – all is well!

daniel lugo
daniel lugo
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

The golden rule could be added to this declaration. In any case I agree to this declaration.

Michael Bruce
Michael Bruce
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I’m all for any effort to increase peace and liberty.

john zimmerman
john zimmerman
7 years ago
Reply to  Jesse McDonald

Jesse,you may actually have written something intelligent in your post, even though I seriously doubt it. still Jesse, if no one else, or extremely few have a clue WHAT you have posted, then it surely is of little, if any significanse or value. I have to wonder, since no one (again or very very few) has a idea what you are trying to say. Who are you trying to impress with your seemingly obtuse post? Because I say it surely isn’t working.

john zimmerman
john zimmerman
7 years ago
Reply to  Jesse McDonald

Jesse, in case you may think otherwise I wanted you to know that I do know what a PGP message is, and that fact has nothing to do with my post as to ‘Who are you trying to impress?’,but was directed to the purpose of posting a comment
and the worth and/or value of such a post if no one knows what, if any value or information it may contain. Take care mr jesse

Jerry Lynn Inscore
Jerry Lynn Inscore
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

i am a free man that does not consent to corporate law. i am not a corporation, i am a living being & demand that i be treated as such.

Jerry Lynn Inscore
Jerry Lynn Inscore
7 years ago

i am a free man that does not consent to corporate law. i am not a corporation, i am a living being & demand that i be treated as such.

Larry simons
Larry simons
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Love it!!! 🙂

David Gould
David Gould
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Great artical

Jerran Neve
Jerran Neve
7 years ago

I am very passionate about liberty and walking in that reality. South Dakota

david e hartinger
david e hartinger
7 years ago

david ernest hartinger

Ashley Nicole Bowman
Ashley Nicole Bowman
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

The Reverend Ashley Nicole Bowman; Minister Of Justice.

7 years ago

As a child from the sixties growing up in Brooklyn N.Y. I witness many violations of human rights by police,including the murder of an unarmed 17 year old boy. It was covered up and no justice for the mom. I appreciate those of you out there that still give a dam about our nations laws for the people by the people.

Sam Feagle
7 years ago
Reply to  Brett

Liberty works

John Hall
John Hall
7 years ago
Reply to  N/A

I’ve watched some of the big hitters on youtube doing this stuff, mark stevens and a few others. Its sounds like good advice from some of the so called pros but none of the stuff seems to actually work and getting you out of trouble. The constition is gone and I don’t know if it ever helped anyone. This government as been cobbling up peoples rights since it was created.

Jimmie C Jones
Jimmie C Jones
7 years ago

Jiimmie Charles Jones

Bill Pyatt
Bill Pyatt
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I agree.

Bill Pyatt
Bill Pyatt
7 years ago

A man was murdered last night in my neighborhood. When I called major crimes to report my past interaction with the angry, violent homeowner they completely blew off my desire to make an official statement.

Something needs to change. Many, many cops need to be honest or be fired and criminally prosecuted.

Dezri Dean
Dezri Dean
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Awesome Declaration!

7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

“In life two things define you.
Your patience when you have nothing; and your attitude when you have everything.”

Michelle Blackwell
Michelle Blackwell
7 years ago

I would love to move back to the Shire. I lived there briefly in 1987 but those who forced me to live by their rules used violence to bring me back to Florida against my will. I totally agree with the Declaration and hereby affix my signature Michelle Blackwell. As a practicing solitary eclectic wiccan and witch I adhere to our rede “An it harm none, do as thou will”. My desire is to live in a place full of like minded individuals who are trying to make this world better. It has been destroyed by greedy and corrupt politicians who have their own agendas and attempt to force others to live by their rules. It is time to make a stand and shout NO MORE!

Ben Schrader
Ben Schrader
7 years ago

I’ve been searching for this, unknowingly. I cried when I finally found it and realised how completely this spells out how I feel. Thank you so much

JOHN davis
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe


David Robert Sova
7 years ago

David Sova

Lynette Warren
Lynette Warren
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Fair enough. Consider it signed.

Lynette Warren
Lynette Warren
7 years ago


7 years ago

Jesse C.T. Folsom

Jason Hearns
Jason Hearns
7 years ago

I truly believe in the principles stated above. I fought for them and would fight for them again. I also worked in law enforcement as did my and my brother still does. There is a right way to enforce the law. Thanks Dad for teaching us to honor the person first before the law.


Jason Hearns

7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

I sign!

James Chappell
James Chappell
7 years ago
Reply to  JuggaloJoe

Very nice. Had it been thought out a little more carefully, perhaps they would have used the word real flesh and blood man and woman instead of individual which has a sinister meaning. More concerning is the word INALIENABLE which is found in the United States Constitution. This word means a “man” granted Right that CAN be repealed, revoked or replaced. It is NOT the same as the word UNALIENABLE which is found in our Declaration of Independence. This word means a Right that CAN NOT be repealed, revoked or replaced. UNALIENABLE Rights are Creator granted Rights such as Life, Liberty (freedom) and the pursuit of Happiness (property). It would have also been nice for this society to recognize there are THREE orders under the real law; Creator Law, Natural Law and Man’s law, if righteous. Creator or God’s Law is the Supreme Law of this country and planet. With the above clarifications and more, I hereby sign the declaration.
Dr. James Chappell

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